Release Notes - 2023.2


In this section, you will find the Release Notes for version 2023.2 of GPM Plus. If you have questions or feedback, please contact your GPM representative.


Analysis Server Has New Mapping Type for Element Hierarchies

The Analysis Server now supports a new type of mapping among the Python script input sources, which makes the element hierarchy of a plant available to the algorithms. This is available for any algorithm where it may be needed, and it works in the same way as the Plant and Element descriptions and parameters.

Below is a sample of the script in the "model.xml" file:
    <Source Name="hierarchy" Description="plant hierarchy" Id="2" Mode="Value" Mandatory="false">
            <Map xsi:type="SignalPlantEndpointEntity" Entity="Plant" GroupId="1" EndpointType="PlantElementHirearchy" />

GPM Template Supports Exporting Reports Containing Variable Data Types with Up to 5 Decimals

The GPM Template now allows you to generate and export reports containing variable data with up to 5 decimals (for example, "2.34567"). Previously, the number of decimals was limited to only two (for example, "2.34").

Figure 1. GPM Template options to select decimals for variable data types
Layer 1


Application Starts Up Correctly

GPM Plus correctly starts when you open the application. Previously, a server error could prevent the application from starting up if it was unable to connect to Performance Counters or to validate them.

Heatmap Displays Correct Colors

The Heatmap feature now correctly displays the colors for each range. Previously, an error could cause the Heatmap to display the wrong color for a given range.