Release Notes - 2022.1


In this section, you will find the Release Notes for version 2022.1 of GPM Plus/SCADA. If you have questions or feedback, please contact your GPM representative.


Filters for the Alert Grid Support Searching by Element Name

You can now use Element names as filters to search for specific alarms. Previously, you could only search alarms using keywords by alarm name. This development makes it easier and faster to find specific alarms, particularly in situations where there are numerous active alarms simultaneously.
Tip: This is especially useful for wind technology, since a single element may have a substantial amount of alert triggers.

New Permissions Module

The new Permissions module allows you to manage access to specific entities (parameters, datasources, descriptions and alarms) by applying tags to them. This provides a greater level of control in the way you can apply permissions across your configurations.

For more information, see the Permissions Module section in the GPM Plus or GPM SCADA User Guide.

For more information, see the Permissions Module section in the GPM Plus User Guide.

Figure 1. Permissions module
Permissions module.

Advanced "On Hold" Periods for Alarms

You can now set alarms to "On hold" for default time periods, custom periods, or permanently. Previously, it was mandatory to manually define a set period of time when placing a hold on an alarm.

When you select to put the alarm on hold permanently, the hold remains in place until the alarm is either deactivated automatically, or until you change the status again manually.

The updated options for "On Hold" are:

  • 1 day

  • 1 week

  • 1 Month

  • Permanent

  • Custom period

Figure 2. Hold period options for alarms
Hold period options for alarms

Users still must specify the reason for setting an alarm on hold.


Navigation and NOC Modules Display "On Hold" Status of Alerts

The Navigation module and the Network Operating Center (NOC) module now display the color-code for alerts that are on hold. Previously, the user interfaces (UI) of these modules displayed the colors for other statuses. Now, you can more accurately assess alert statuses at a glance from the UI.
Figure 3. Alert status display
Navigation and NOC modules displaying the status of alerts using color-codes.

Improved Selection Options for Tickets

The Tickets template now has multi-select options available in drop-down menus. This allows you to select multiple options of the same type (for example, several operators assigned to a single ticket). This provides more flexibility in managing and processing your tickets.
Important: This applies to all the ticket management systems in GPM Plus and GPM Horizon.


Delete Series of Tickets in Tickets Module and NOC

The Tickets module and the Network Operating Center (NOC) now correctly delete series of tickets and templates. Previously, a bug could cause the Tickets module and the NOC to stop working when trying to delete tickets and templates from the tool and the database.

Reports Generation

We fixed two bugs that could affect the generation of reports in some cases.

Reports Generation in PDF

We updated the Gembox library to the latest version. This fixed the issues that could occur with configured charts in XLSX, and the PDF generation now works correctly.