Release Notes - 2021.3


In this section, you will find the Release Notes for version 2021.3 of GPM Plus/SCADA.If you have questions or feedback, please contact your GPM representative.

New features and developments

New Status for Alerts: "On Hold"

You can now put an alert that is active or assigned to an operator on hold for a specific period of time. Once the time period ends, the alert changes to the previous status (active or assigned). You can also deactivate alerts that are on hold.


Launch Conditions in Command Sequences Accept Non-writable Parameters

You can now define launch conditions with non-writable parameters when you set up a command sequence in the Commands screen. Previously, it was only possible to define Launch Conditions with writable parameters, which limited the usability of activation conditions.

Non-writable parameters are those that GPM Plus and GPM SCADA monitor, but cannot modify. This is mainly data from devices (for example, irradiance or wind speed).


New Endpoints

There are two new API endpoints:

Retrieve Element Parameters Using Element IDs
A new API endpoint allows you to use the unique ID of an element to retrieve variables from an element. To use this endpoint, see the "Element" section of the GPM Plus or GPM SCADA Swagger API.
Figure 1.
Layer 1
Retrieve DataSource Components
You can use a new API endpoint to retrieve all values from up to ten DataSource components (consolidated high-frequency data, such as averages). The Database saves components in binary code. This endpoint allows you to retrieve them as numerical values in decimal notation. To use this endpoint, see the "Data Sources Data" section of the GPM Plus or GPM SCADA Swagger API.
Figure 2.
API endpoint to retrieve parameters.

New Documentation for API Endpoints

We added detailed descriptions for several API endpoints to explain how to use them. You can see this documentation in the "Comments" section for the corresponding endpoint. This is part of an ongoing initiative to document all the GPM Plus and GPM SCADA API endpoints.