Configuring data objects and connection objects using the XLSX template


  • SourceType: Set the type of source the layer must use. You can enter one of the following options:

    • Datasource: It defines the type of source required in the DatasourceId column. When configuring a Monitored DS or Custom DS, you must provide a specific value for the DatasourceId. Additionally, you need to fill in the ElementID field in both cases.

    • ElementParameter: It indicates that the configuration of the object is determined by the ElementParameterID field. You must set a specific value for the element parameter during setup (parametrization).

  • DataSourceComponentId

Note: This column can only be used in GPM Plus. Do not configure it as it will not display any data.

This is an example of how to configure layer settings for data and connection objects using the XSLX template:

DataElement PARAMETER ElementParameter247760
DataElement MONITORED DATASOURCE Datasource247760
DataElement CUSTOM DATASOURCEDatasource020941