
The Map module provides a geographical overview of your portfolio by placing each plant on a map based on their geo-location. The Map module provides KPIs to monitor the portfolio performance as well as the specific performance of each plant.

The Map module allows you to navigate and monitor your portfolio by layers, providing information at different degrees of detail when you zoom in or out of the map.

The Data Panel located on the right side provides further tools to monitor the performance of your portfolio by location, technology, and time stamp.

Figure 1. Map
Layer 112345678910
  1. Map: monitor your plants or clusters based on their geo-location. Drag and drop the map to browse it.
  2. Technology: select a technology to display plants with a specific technology in the Plant KPIs area. This option is available when you monitor a multi-technology cluster.

  3. Date selector: select the date range for which to display the KPIs. You can select the current day, month or year.

  4. Portolio KPIs: displays the total KPIs of the plants currently displayed on the map.

    Click the Disks icon icon to display the KPIs in the Data Viewer module or click theAnalyze section icon icon to display them in the Linear Chart Viewer module.

  5. Plant KPIs: displays up to four plant-specific KPIs for plants that are currently visible on the map.

    Click the Disks icon icon to display the KPIs in the Data Viewer module or click theAnalyze section icon icon to display them in the Linear Chart Viewer module.

  6. Geolocation: displays the coordinates of the last point clicked on the map.

  7. Map options: click the icon to customize the map:
    • Road Map: display the map as a road map.
    • Satellite: display the map as a seen from a satellite.
    • Terrain: display the map with terrain information.
    • Show labels: toggle to display or hide city and road labels.
  8. Navigation: click the arrows to move the map to the four sides or click the central button to set the zoom to minimum.

  9. Zoom: click and select the map zoom. You can also use your mouse scroll button to zoom in and out of the map.

    There are three levels of zoom:
    • Default: includes all the plants in the portfolio.
    • Country: displays a single icon for each country, with information on the overall performance for all the plants in it.
    • Region: displays one icon per plant with information on its performance.
  10. Scale: displays the current scale of the map.

Entities in the Map module

The Map module has dynamic icons that reflect the performance of clusters, plants and devices. Each icon has a progress bar to indicate its power production, expressed as a percentage of its peak power.

Generic map iconGeneral
Solar plant map iconSolar
Wind plant map iconWind
Storage plant iconStorage
Biogas plant iconBiogas
Gas plant iconGas
Cluster of plants.Cluster