Permissions module

The Permissions module allows you to manage the permissions that restrict access to entities in GPM SCADA. Permissions work by using tags to link roles and the entities (for example, datasources) to which they have access. When you assign a tag to an entity, it becomes accessible only to the user roles which also have the tag assigned to them.

Note: The permissions you assign to the user roles also affect the access that users have in GPM Horizon.
The Permissions module has two tabs: To access the Permissions module, click the Cogwheel icon icon on the Upper Bar.
Note: For more information about the system of permissions, see the article on Permissions. For more information about working with tags, see Manage permissions.

Assign Tabs

Figure 1. Assign Tags tab
Layer 1 1 2 3 4 5
  1. Roles: click the drop-down menu to see the available user roles.

  2. Search bar: enter text to narrow down the available tags.

  3. Tags: list of available tags you can assign to roles.

    Click the checkbox next to the name of a tag to select it and make changes to it.

  4. Tags table: lists the tags assigned to the selected role.

  5. Save button: click to save changes to roles and tags.

Manage Tabs

Figure 2. Manage Tags tab
Layer 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
  1. Tags table: displays all the tags in your system.

    Click on a tag to select it in order to edit, delete, or copy it.

  2. Add: click to add a new tag.

  3. Edit: click to edit a selected tag.

  4. Delete: click to delete a selected tag.

  5. Copy: click to copy a selected tag.

  6. Total links: displays the total numbers of entities and roles related to the tag.