
Commands and command sequences allow you to take different actions to control the productivity of your plant and its physical devices. You can perform all the tasks related to commands in the Commands Control and the Power Plant Control (PPC) modules.

From the PPC, you can perform the following tasks:
  • Send set point values: control the set points of your plant.
  • Schedule commands: configure a command to automatically send it to your plant at regular intervals.
  • Send command sequences: control complex sets of commands. For more information, see the Commands sequences section.
    Note: Use extreme caution and follow all the safety procedures before performing any action related to commands. These actions directly impact the plant.

Command sequences

Command sequences are sets of commands that you can send to your plant in a pre-defined order. You can also define launch conditions for each sequence.
Note: To configure command sequences, contact your GPM representative.
Communications with physical devices occur through a proprietary GPM protocol that digests the data received from devices and makes them usable for the application.
You can send previously configured command sequences from the following modules in the user interface:
Note: Command sequences con only be sent to modify parameters that have "write" permissions.