Release Notes - 2023.2


In this section, you will find the Release Notes for version 2023.2 of GPM Plus. If you have questions or feedback, please contact your GPM representative.


Note: The following notes are meant for internal audiences only.

Import and Export Configurations Related to Commands

The GPM Setup tool now allows you to upload XMLs files containing commands for import. This makes it easier to import new commands and to update existing ones.

Similarly, the you can now export XML files containing configured commands. This lets you edit or create commands quickly in different environments.
Figure 1. Import and Export Commands options
Commands options to import and export commands.

Automatic Precalculation of Historical Data

We introduced a solution to precalculate historical data based on the process used in GPM Plus. Previously, GPM SCADA didn't recognize historical data, and therefore, it couldn't automatically calculate consolidations, forcing you to manually add precalculation orders to the queue. Now, the system sets up precalculation orders for historical data, ensuring accurate calculations and eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Notification When Removing Elements with Dependencies

GPM PlusGPM SCADA now shows a detailed message when you try to remove elements linked to tickets. The notification includes the ID of the ticket or the series of tickets, the type of dependency and a description of the dependency.
Figure 2. Element Management screen
Element Management screen displaying the option to remove elements linked to tickets.
Figure 3. Sample notification message
Notification listing the elements and their details.


Analysis Server Has New Mapping Type for Element Hierarchies

The Analysis Server now supports a new type of mapping among the Python script input sources, which makes the element hierarchy of a plant available to the algorithms. This is available for any algorithm where it may be needed, and it works in the same way as the Plant and Element descriptions and parameters.

Below is a sample of the script in the "model.xml" file:
    <Source Name="hierarchy" Description="plant hierarchy" Id="2" Mode="Value" Mandatory="false">
            <Map xsi:type="SignalPlantEndpointEntity" Entity="Plant" GroupId="1" EndpointType="PlantElementHirearchy" />

GPM Template Supports Exporting Reports Containing Variable Data Types with Up to 5 Decimals

The GPM Template now allows you to generate and export reports containing variable data with up to 5 decimals (for example, "2.34567"). Previously, the number of decimals was limited to only two (for example, "2.34").

Figure 4. GPM Template options to select decimals for variable data types
Layer 1
Note: The following notes are meant for internal audiences only.

Vectorial Layout Has Improved Layer Configuration for Data Objects and Connection Objects

You can now quickly configure data objects and connection objects in the Vectorial Layout layers by using either of the following:

Note: A data object is an element used to monitor a datasource value of a device, while a connection object is a line used to connect several objects.
Configuration using the XLSX template

We added the SourceType and DatasourceId columns, as well as the ElementParameter source type to the XLSX template in order to configure data objects and connection objects.

  • SourceType: Set the type of source the layer must use. You can enter one of the following options:

    • Datasource: Defines the type of source required in the DatasourceId column. When configuring a Monitored DS or Custom DS, you must provide a specific value for the DatasourceId. Additionally, you must fill in the ElementID field in both cases.

    • ElementParameter: Indicates that the configuration of the object is determined by the ElementParameterID field. You must set a specific value for the element parameter during setup (parametrization).

  • DataSourceComponentId.
    Note: The DataSourceComponentId column can only be used in GPM SCADA.

For more information, see the Configuring data objects and connection objects using the XLSX template section.

Configuration in the grid

You can now configure data objects and connection objects in the grid thanks to the new Datasource field in the configuration window.

Figure 5. New Datasource field
L​​ayer 1

For more information, see the section about Configuring data objects and connection objects in the grid.

GPM SCADA Automatically Replicates SCADA Service Configuration Key

The consolidation configuration key from SCADA.Service is now automatically checked and replicated in GPM SCADA. This eliminates the need for users to verify that both configuration keys match.

CAISO Manager Updated for Curtailment Orders

We updated the CAISO manager plugin due to the upgrade of CAISO ADS to version 7. As a result, GPM SCADA now receives production curtailments via the CAISO manager plugin and applies commands.


Application Starts Up Correctly

GPM PlusGPM SCADA correctly starts when you open the application. Previously, a server error could prevent the application from starting up if it was unable to connect to Performance Counters or to validate them.

Heatmap Displays Correct Colors

The Heatmap feature now correctly displays the colors for each range. Previously, an error could cause the Heatmap to display the wrong color for a given range.

System Correctly Enables SMS service

The SMS service can now be correctly enabled in GPM SCADA. Previously, a bug could cause the SMS Plugin to trigger a server error in certain environments.

Server Logs Correctly Display Retries

Errors related to RabbitMQ correctly appear in the Server Logs. Previously, when RabbitMQ was down, a bug could prevent the Server Logs from correctly displaying errors.

Service Restart Correctly Creates RabbitMQ queues

When restarting GPM SCADA, the system now correctly creates two RabbitMQ queues. Previously, a bug could cause the system to create only one queue when restarting.