Release Notes - 2021.4


In this section, you will find the Release Notes for version 2021.4 of GPM Plus/SCADA. If you have questions or feedback, please contact your GPM representative.


New API Endpoints for Metacommands

We created two new endpoints that allow you to work with metacommands through the Web API without the need to access GPM Plus or GPM SCADA.

Consult Configured Metacommands

Use the following endpoint to see the history of all metacommands, sequences of commands and individual commands for a specific plant:


To consult a metacommand, you must provide the following information:

  • Plant ID

  • Authorization

Execute Metacommands

Use the following endpoint to execute metacommands through the API:


To execute a metacommand, you must provide the following information:

  • Element IDs

  • Metacommand IDs

  • Authorization

You may also provide optional information:

  • Command IDs

  • Setpoint

Note: The following note is meant for internal audiences only.

Vectorial Layout Keeps Time Logs of User Activity

The system now tracks the amount of time users spend in the Vectorial Layout plugin, or editing layers of a layout. The system keeps logs of the time from the moment a user opens the Vectorial Layout window to the moment they close it. It also logs the time from the moment a user clicks the buttons to add or edit a layer to the moment they save the changes, or close the editor. The logs are stored in the HMIServer section of the Audit log plugin.