
A facility requires a set of core variables to return the added values of yield, production, availability and others. In the Parameters section, you generate these major variables by aggregating and processing the values of the monitored elements.

The most common variables for a photovoltaic plant are the following:

  • PR (Performance Ratio): the percentage of energy generated with regards to the potential energy of the facility or device in a certain period. The calculation of the potential energy depends on the peak power of the facility and the Insolation recorded during the period.

  • Plant Power: the total instant power monitored by all the meters (or inverters, depending on the facility).

  • Plant Energy. the total energy monitored by all the meters (or inverters, depending on the facility).

  • Plant Temperature (ambient / panel): the Temperature average of the different sensors of a facility. The type of temperature depends on whether the sensors are on the outside (ambient) or whether they are on the panels (panel).

  • Plant irradiance (horizontal / tilted): the Irradiance average of the different sensors of a facility. The type of irradiance depends on whether the sensors are oriented horizontally (horizontal) or at the same angle as the panels (tilted).

  • Plant insolation (horizontal / panel): the Plant Irradiance values of a facility. The type of insolation depends on the type of Irradiance used.

  • Plant Wind: the Wind Speed average of the different sensors of a facility. It is used in wind facilities, but also in photovoltaic facilities with solar trackers.

Plant variables

You can create and edit any of Plant Variables for the Facility. The grid shows the variables currently defined, their type, unit and the type of aggregation operation:

Navigating plant variables

  • Click the Add or the Edit buttons to open the specific edition window of each variable.

  • Click the Delete button to clear the configuration

  • Click the Custom Variables tab at the top of the table to navigate to Custom Plant Variables.

Editing plant variables

Each variable comes with its specific edition window. Plant variables that aggregate more than one monitored variable follows the same structure:

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  1. Variable Label: the display name for the variable in the platform.

  2. Series Operation: the type of aggregation operation between the included parameters values. Usually Sum or Average.

  3. Unit: the unit of the resulting value. It enables to change magnitudes if needed.

  4. Use KPI: to force the KPI to be calculated locally instead of using the Data Provider method.

  5. Value Operation: to change how the values of each included parameters are aggregated in time (For example, Power parameters use AVERAGE and Energy parameters use DIFFERENCE as Value Operations by default). Available options are: Sum, Difference, Last, Maximum and Minimum.

  6. Included Parameters: All the monitored variables included in the calculation of this Plant Variable. Use the Series Selector on the right to include new variables. Use the Upper Delete Button to remove all parameters from the calculation. Use the Red "Bin" Button on each row to remove only that specific parameter.

  7. Series selector: to include Parameters to the variable.

  8. Coefficient: a Value multiplier that can be either positive or negative. Use this feature to change the sign of a given parameter, or to change the magnitude.

Custom Variables

You can create and edit Custom Variables for the Facilit. The grid shows the variables currently defined, their type, unit and the type of aggregation operation:

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Navigating custom variables

  1. Click the Edit button to open the specific edition window of each Variable.

  2. Click the Delete button to permanently delete a Custom Variable.

  3. Click on the Plant Variables tab to navigate back to to Plant Variables.

  4. To create a new variable, click on the blue Add Variable dropdown button, then select the type of Variable that you want to create: