
Labels are optional tags you can define for specific facility elements. The system uses labels to tune in certain monitored variables.

Use the filters on the left-hand side of the screen to select the datalogger or boards you want to edit. Available devices and monitored variables show on the central grid.

You can edit labels directly from the grid. Alternatively, click on the blue "Edit" button to the right of the row to open the Edit Parameter window:

You can edit the following details (Left to right, top to bottom):

  • Label: the label of the device or parameter.

  • Unit: the measurement unit of the parameter.

  • Coefficient: a multiplier to apply to the parameter value

  • Type: the type of parameter or element. This is used internally to classify elements and parameters.

  • Visibility: the minimum user Role that can see this element or parameter. This is useful to hide very specific parameters or status parameters from End Users.

  • Status: set to the parameter to active or inactive (Active by Default).