
Go to Plant > Reports to view and manage your facility's reports:

You can configure and schedule the generation of reports to receive key data for the administration of your portfolio at regular intervals. There are six types of production reports, depending on the period they cover and the data they show. You can define the information in your reports according to your needs and those of your users.

Managing reports

You can define new reports from the Reports Administration screen. You can also edit existing reports and edit their intended recipients.

Click on New Report in the top-right corner to open the New Report panel:

You must specify the following:

  • a Report Title so you can easily identify the report in the Administration table.

  • a Type. There are six types available:

    • Daily production: a daily production report of the installation

    • Monthly production: a monthly production report of the installation

    • Daily custom: a daily custom report of the installation. It generates a report containing the daily values of one or more Customized Queries

    • Monthly custom: a monthly custom report of the installation. It generates a report containing the daily values of one or more Customized Queries

    • Daily systems: a daily report of the installation systems

    • Monthly systems: a monthly report of the installation systems

  • Period defines how often the Report is generated.
    Note: The Report Types define the type of data the reports contain, not how often the Reports are generated.

Click Save to save the new report.

Report actions

Each report in the report Administration screen offers the following options:

  • Enable/Disable switch: to turn on and off the generation and dispatch of the Report.

  • Generate Report: to generate a Report, regardless of the period set in the Report´s settings (see Generating a Report).

  • Edit Report: to view and edit the settings of the Report.

  • Delete Report: to delete the Report. This action cannot be undone.

Generating a report

Click the Generate Report button opens the following panel:

Select the desired period, then click Preview. A preview of the report opens:

You can download this preview in PDF format.

Editing reports

Click the Edit Report button to customize reports details, such as adjusting the schedule and the recipients, or aligning the reports to your corporate branding.

You can edit the following settings:

  • Report Title: the title that shows on the report and in the Reports Administration table

  • Visibility: to define the roles who can view the report

  • Type: the type of report that is being edited (See Managing Reports)

  • Period: how often the Report is generated

  • Plant: the plant covered by the report

  • Logo: You can load an image of up to 45x200 pixels. This image is visible in the report heading.

  • Company Name: You can define a corporate name to show in the report heading.

  • Language: the default Language of the Report.

  • Add PDF Format: Adds a copy of the Report to the dispatch email in PDF format (The standard dispatch already includes the Report in HTML format).

  • Report Preferences: You can set a waiting time before the System generate and send the report at the end of the defined period. GPM recommends that you leave a margin to make sure the report contains all the data, especially in facilities equipped with wireless communications.

    Note: Depending of the Type of report, you may need to specify additional information. In Custom Reports, you must provide the selection of custom queries, the format and the order.
  • Recipients Email: Select the people who should receive the report among a list of available recipients. Once you define a recipient, their email appears in the assigned column. All assigned recipients receive the report in their email in HTML format as soon upon its generation. To disable the generation and dispatch of the report, deactivate it from Reports Administration (See Report actions).