Release Notes - 2024.2


In this section, you will find the Release Notes for version 2024.2 of GPM Portal. If you have questions or feedback, please contact your GPM representative.


Note: The following release notes are for internal audiences only.

FTP Services Historical Logs

You can now see the following changes to the FTP services using the Historical logs:

  • User: user name who performed the action.
  • Actions:
    • Mapping file:
      • Creation
      • Update
  • FTP service:
    • Creation

    • Update

    • Activation

    • Deactivation

    • Deletion

  • Date and time: date and time when the action was performed.
Figure 1. Historical logs in the Edit FTP Service screen
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Note: The following release notes are for internal audiences only.

Passwords Are More Secure

Passwords for new plants created in GPM Portal are now autogenerated more securely, requiring at least one special character, one number, one underscore, and one capital letter.

Note: Special characters have been limited to avoid issues with keyboard layouts when language settings change. Only the following four special characters are used: * / - +.


Compiling Plants Does Not Duplicate Attributes

Plants compiled in GPM Portal no longer have duplicated attributes when importing to GPM Plus. Previously, an error caused the process of creating plants to duplicate some attributes during compilation, which caused causing issues when importing them into GPM Plus.

Correct Creation of Pre-computed Data for Datasources

We fixed the process to create pre-computed data for datasources and eliminated the need for synchronization. Previously, there were instances where the pre-computed data required by the protocol was not created correctly due to synchronization issues between databases.

Custom Queries Display Correctly

We fixed an error that prevented the Customer Chart from displaying multiple Custom Queries. Now, the Custom Chart displays the different custom queries enabled in the Widget settings table.

Figure 2. Custom Chart in the Widget Settings screen
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