Release Notes - 2024.1


In this section, you will find the Release Notes for version 2024.1 of GPM Portal. If you have questions or feedback, please contact your GPM representative.


Note: The following release notes are for internal audiences only.

Automatic Password Generation for New Plants

GPM Portal now automatically generates a unique, non-editable password when creating a new plant in the Plant Settings screen. This improves security by having one password that can be used to configure the access to dataloggers and devices in a plant. The password has a length of 16 alphanumeric characters, excludes similar characters (for example, "O" and "0"), and is encrypted for secure storage in the database.

The auto-generated password is random and plant-specific. The system stores it securely in a way that makes it visible for users with specific access rights. This makes the password easily available to members of the Operations team working on each plant.

Figure 1. Auto-generated password in Plant Settings (GPM tab)
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New Functionalities in the FTP Service Registration

We have developed three new capabilities for the FTP Service Registration:
  • Delete FTP service that have not been activated. Previously, it was not possible to delete services that were not activated.
    Figure 2. Delete button in Actions column
    Layer 1
  • View FTP service status directly on the FTP Services table. The status remains as "Pending Activation" until the service is activated.
    Figure 3. Service Status column in FTP Services table
    Layer 1
  • Saving the configuration of the FTP service is possible even if the configuration will not be used until the system allows the activation from GPM Portal. Therefore, you must still provide the configuration data to the IT team, in order for them to activate the service. Previously, it was not possible to add data for service configuration (for example, credentials and URL to access third-party FTP services and the frequency to send files to the it) without previous activation.
    Figure 4. Edit FTP Service screen


Note: The following release notes are for internal audiences only.

Quick Queries Results Table Displays Tooltips

The table that displays the results of Quick Queries now provides information about the Parameter ID number, making it easier to identify each parameter. To see the tooltip, hover over a value in the Parameter Column.

Figure 5. Quick Queries results table displaying tooltip for inverter

Plant Settings Supports Copying Text

You can now copy text from the "Technical" section in Plant Settings. This allows you to copy server information provided by the IT team, making it possible to paste it into the RTU configuration. This allows you to enter the information without typing it, reducing the margin for human error while making the process less time-consuming.

Improved Process for FTP Service Mapping

We refactored the process to create the mapping files for the FTP Service. This improves the performance of the system and allows it to manage plants with very high volumes of data.


Quick Query Data Files Correctly Round Decimals

We fixed an error that prevented downloaded XLS files from Quick Queries from correctly rounding decimals. Previously, the XLS files rounded decimals to the 2nd digit. Now, the XLS displays the same number of decimals as the data on the user interface.