Quick tour

GPM Plus is a modular application. The different modules allow you to perform various browsing and operational tasks.

To see a list of all the modules available in GPM Plus, see the Modules section.

You can access these modules from three main areas of the user interface:

  1. Side panel

  2. Content area

  3. Upper bar

In some areas, tabs are used to condense multiple modules within the same interface.
Note: Access to each module is configured based on the intended user needs. Some modules described in this document may not be available to you if your setup does not require them.
Figure 1. User interface (UI) overview
Layer 1 1 2 3
  1. Side panel: contains the Navigation and the Element Viewer modules, displayed as tabs. For more information, see Navigation Module and Element Viewer Module.
  2. Content area: displays content from the main modules: NOC, Map, Tickets, Alarms, and Plant Dashboard.
  3. Upper bar: contains buttons that provide access to additional modules, the application setup, and the personal configurations for the user. For more information, see Modules and User Configuration.