
Tickets allow you to create, assign, and track tickets related to maintenance, operations, and management (O&M) tasks. You can create and manage tickets in the Tickets module. For more information, see the section on Working with tickets.
Note: Depending on your setup, one or more customized tickets may be available.

Types of tickets

  • Maintenance: track and resolve issues or conditions in your plant, particularly those related to active alarms. When creating maintenance tickets, you can choose between a ticket for a single occurrence, or a series of tickets for recurring tasks. The procedures are the same, except for the first step in which you choose between the two options.

  • Task: assign tasks to operators in a plant.

  • Data correction: correct data by importing files with information and adding it to the system's Data Provider. This allows you, for example, to create and merge layers of data using Data Sources, to eliminate negative values. You can also create advanced algorithms that calculate final values from sources of raw data.
    Note: These tickets require a special configuration. Contact your GPM representative for more information.

Ticket templates

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