Create scheduled commands

You can create a scheduled command from the Commands Control Module and the Power Plant Control Module.
Note: You can only schedule one modifiable parameter for each command.
  1. In the Actions column of the Commands Control Module, click the icon.
    The Scheduler dialog appears:
    Figure 1. Scheduler dialog
    Commands Scheduler dialog
  2. In the Scheduler dialog, enter the information to create the command:
    1. Parameter: select one of the parameters configured for the command.
    2. Scheduled commands: click + New Schedule to create a new command or select a preexisting command to edit it.
    3. Command scheduled table: click the + icon on the left-hand column to add the time and value for the command execution within the 24-hour period.
    4. Current schedule: displays the scheduled command that applies currently.
    5. Apply schedule: select the scheduled command to apply.
  3. Click Save icon Save, or click Save icon Save and Apply to automatically execute the command.
    Note: It is not possible to save commands with values that are not valid. This usually applies to values that are out of range (according to the Metacommand control). If you try to save commands with values that are not valid, the system notifies you and prompts you to correct them before completing the process.
    The Modify Metacommand dialog appears.
  4. In the Modify Metacommand dialog, enter your administrator password and click Apply.
The command is created and scheduled for execution.

In the PPC module, the icon will appear in the related command parameter.

Figure 2. Scheduled command icon
The icon displays the status of the scheduled command in two colors:
  • Green: the scheduled command is currently active.

  • Black: the scheduled command is currently inactive or no schedule has been configured.

You can obtain more information on the active scheduled command by doing the following:

  • Hover over the icon to view the currently active schedule.

  • Hover over the New Value input box to access additional details.

If you want to view and edit the scheduled command, you can access the Scheduler dialog by selecting the icon.

Note: If

the icon

does not appear after creating a scheduled command, contact your GPM representative.