
The Budget module allows you to track the return on investment (ROI) of your assets. The widgets compare the actual production and revenues of your against the budget values at the levels of portfolios, countries and sites.
Note: For detailed information about how the system calculates revenues, see the Revenues section.
The dashboard provides insights into the financial performance of your portfolio and its assets by comparing several detailed KPIs. It also includes functionalities to view data in terms of energy production or financial revenues, as well as to update data by overwriting values with actual invoice information. You can also account for compensated energy resulting from curtailments.

The system stores historical data from the first month of connection to GPM Horizon.

At the portfolio level, the dashboard contains two tabs:

At the plant level, the Budget Follow-up dashboard provides an updated daily overview of the actual production and losses, as well as of the actual revenues and revenue losses.
Important: Approximated values are marked by the Approximated values iconicon. Confirmed values are marked with the Checkmark icon icon. Generally, all values in the module are approximated.
Furthermore, the display controls let you choose how to display the data on the dashboard.

Display controls

The module allows you to configure how you visualize data. The controls let you switch between different modes (energy or currency) quickly and easily, and to compare the current production with previous years, as well as to analyze production by country.

Figure 1. Budget display controls
Layer 1 1 2
  1. Units and values: choose to display the data in terms of energy (for example, GwH) or currency (for example, € or $).
    Note: The system displays financial KPIs in the local currency of the country where the plant is located. For example, a plant located in Germany will display values in euros (€), while a plant in the USA will display them in US dollars ($)
  2. Advanced options: click the Actions menu. icon to open the drop-down menu and toggle the advanced options.
    • Display mode: choose whether to display values of actual energy and revenues as totals or to break them down by source.

    • Include compensated energy: toggle on to include compensated energy in the total actual production.

    • Compare to previous year: toggle on to include data from the previous year in the display.

    • Production by country: toggle on to see the data grouped by country.

Figure 2. Budget display controls
Layer 1 1 2
  1. Units and values: choose to display the data in terms of energy (for example, GwH) or currency (for example, € or $).
    Note: The system displays financial KPIs in the local currency of the country where the plant is located (for example, a plant located in Germany will display values in euros (€), while a plant in the USA will display them in US dollars ($).
  2. Advanced options: click the Actions menu. icon to open the drop-down menu and toggle the advanced options.
    • Display mode: choose whether to display values of actual energy and revenues as totals or to break them down by source.

    • Include compensated energy: toggle on to include compensated energy in the total actual production.

    • Compare to previous year: toggle on to include data from the previous year in the display.

    • Production by country: toggle on to see the data grouped by country.

Budget Overview

The Budget Overview tab displays financial KPIs for the entire portfolio. It also provides detailed information for each country, and for each individual plant.

The financial KPIs on display are:
  • Total Production/Revenue (YTD): Actual Production/Revenue for current year, deviation from the YTD Budget displayed as a percentage. Overperforming assets appear in green, an dunderperforming ones appear in red.

  • Budget (YTD): Pre-defined budget up to the current day of the year, calculated as follows: [individual monthly budgets + (current month's daily average x number of days in the current month)].

  • Expected Production: Projected production yearly production, based on trends. The deviation from the pre-defined budget is displayed as a percentage.

  • Budget: Total Budget for the current year.

  • Theoretical Production (YTD): Expected YTD production based on actual conditions (weather and assets).

The widgets display charts comparing the year-to-date (YTD) values against the total yearly values, allowing you to track your production in relation to your targets, and to quickly assess how much more you need to produce by the end of the year.

You can hover over the graphs to display a tooltip with detailed values for total production, expected production and theoretical production, all compared against the budget predictions.

Figure 3. Budget: Overview tab
Layer 1 1 2 3
  1. Portfolio: displays portfolio-level KPIs.

  2. Country: displays country-level KPIs.

    Click the Expand icon icon to display all the plants for that country.

  3. Plant: displays plant-level KPIs.

Figure 4. Budget: Overview tab
Layer 1 1 2 3
  1. Portfolio: displays portfolio-level KPIs.

  2. Country: displays country-level KPIs.

    Click the Expand icon icon to display all the plants for that country.

  3. Plant: displays plant-level KPIs.

Budget Follow-up: Portfolio

The Budget Follow-up tab provides highly detailed monthly and yearly data for your assets, with a focus on three main KPIs:
  • Delivered Production: actual production fed into grid measured by the grid operator.

  • Compensated Production: production that will be compensated for due to restrictions by the grid operator.

  • Total Production: sum of delivered and compensated production.

  • Budget: expected production. This value is usually defined at the beginning of the year, using values from previous years.

  • Theoretical Production: projected production based on actual weather and device conditions.

Tip: You can export data from the tables in the dashboard as XLSX or CSV files.
Furthermore, you can view values for individual plants and countries in the portfolio, to identify specific areas that are affecting your overall financial performance.
Figure 5. Budget Follow-up tab (portfolio)
Layer 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  1. Time settings: Define the time period covered by the dashboard.

    Click on a year to display data for that year.

    Click on a month to display month-to-date (MTD) data up to that month. For example, selecting March displays data for January, February and March.

  2. Main budget KPIs: overview of the total values for the main budget KPIs.

  3. Production vs Budget: bar chart displaying a monthly breakdown of the Main Budget KPIs. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

    The delivered production is broken down into three categories:
    • SCADA: values provided by GPM SCADA.

    • Grid: values provided by the grid operator.

    • Invoiced: invoiced values.

  4. Accumulated production vs Budget: line chart displaying the accumulated values for three production categories:
    • Total

    • Expected

    • Budget

      You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

  5. Monthly accumulated values vs Budget: tables displaying detailed values from the Production vs Budget and Accumulated Production vs Budget charts. Each table includes columns detailing the deviation of the total production from the budget. The projected accumulated values for total production in upcoming months also appears (in brackets).

  6. Monthly accumulated values vs Previous year: tables comparing monthly and accumulated values against the total production/revenue of the previous year.

  7. Production vs Budget per plant: table comparing production or revenues against budget for individual plants.

    You can choose to display values for the current month, or MTD.

  8. Plant deviation from buget (%): bar chart displaying the deviation of total production from the budget.

    Green bars indicate plants that have outperformed the budget projections. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

    Red bars indicate underperforming parks.

  9. Production by country (%): pie chart depicting the share of total production by each country. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

    Users again can choose either accumulated values up to the chosen month, or only the month in question instead.

  10. Production vs budget (by country): bar chart displaying the deviation of total production from the budget for each country, expressed as a percentage. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

Figure 6. Budget Follow-up tab (portfolio)
Layer 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  1. Time settings: Define the time period covered by the dashboard.

    Click on a year to display data for that year.

    Click on a month to display month-to-date (MTD) data up to that month. For example, selecting March displays data for January, February and March.

  2. Main budget KPIs: overview of the total values for the main budget KPIs.

  3. Production vs Budget: bar chart displaying a monthly breakdown of the Main Budget KPIs. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

    The delivered production is broken down into three categories:
    • SCADA: values provided by GPM SCADA.

    • Grid: values provided by the grid operator.

    • Invoiced: invoiced values.

  4. Accumulated production vs Budget: line chart displaying the accumulated values for three production categories:
    • Total

    • Expected

    • Budget

      You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

  5. Monthly accumulated values vs Budget: tables displaying detailed values from the Production vs Budget and Accumulated Production vs Budget charts. Each table includes columns detailing the deviation of the total production from the budget. The projected accumulated values for total production in upcoming months also appears (in brackets).

  6. Monthly accumulated values vs Previous year: tables comparing monthly and accumulated values against the total production/revenue of the previous year.

  7. Production vs Budget per plant: table comparing production or revenues against budget for individual plants.

    You can choose to display values for the current month, or MTD.

  8. Plant deviation from buget (%): bar chart displaying the deviation of total production from the budget.

    Green bars indicate plants that have outperformed the budget projections. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

    Red bars indicate underperforming parks.

  9. Production by country (%): pie chart depicting the share of total production by each country. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

    Users again can choose either accumulated values up to the chosen month, or only the month in question instead.

  10. Production vs budget (by country): bar chart displaying the deviation of total production from the budget for each country, expressed as a percentage. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

Budget Follow-up: Plant

The Budget Follow-up tab provides highly detailed monthly and yearly data for your assets, with a focus on three main KPIs:
  • Delivered Production: actual production fed into grid measured by the grid operator.

  • Compensated Production: production that will be compensated for due to restrictions by the grid operator.

  • Total Production: sum of delivered and compensated production.

  • Budget: expected production. This value is usually defined at the beginning of the year, using values from previous years.

  • Theoretical Production: projected production based on actual weather and device conditions.

Tip: You can export data from the tables in the dashboard as XLSX or CSV files.

At the plant level, the Production vs Budget widget allows you to manually enter invoiced values to update the data on the table according to financial data available to you.

Additionally, you can see a detailed breakdown of the daily production for a given month, compared to the average daily production expected for the month.

Figure 7. Budget Follow-up tab (plant)
Layer 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1. Time settings: Define the time period covered by the dashboard.

    Click on a year to display data for that year.

    Click on a month to display month-to-date (MTD) data up to that month. For example, selecting March displays data for January, February and March.

  2. Main budget KPIs: overview of the total values for the main budget KPIs.

  3. Production vs Budget: bar chart displaying a monthly breakdown of the Main Budget KPIs. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

    The delivered production is broken down into three categories:
    • SCADA: values provided by GPM SCADA.

    • Grid: values provided by the grid operator.

    • Invoiced: invoiced values.

  4. Accumulated production vs Budget: line chart displaying the accumulated values for three production categories:
    • Total

    • Expected

    • Budget

      You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

  5. Monthly accumulated values vs Budget: tables displaying detailed values from the Production vs Budget and Accumulated Production vs Budget charts. Each table includes columns detailing the deviation of the total production from the budget. The projected accumulated values for total production in upcoming months also appears (in brackets).

  6. Monthly accumulated values vs Previous year: tables comparing monthly and accumulated values against the total production/revenue of the previous year.

  7. Daily production: chart displaying a daily breakdown of the major budget KPIs for the selected month.

    The daily budget average is represented by a dotted line across the chart. The value is calculated by dividing the budget for the month by the number of days in the month.

Figure 8. Budget Follow-up tab (plant)
Layer 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1. Time settings: Define the time period covered by the dashboard.

    Click on a year to display data for that year.

    Click on a month to display month-to-date (MTD) data up to that month. For example, selecting March displays data for January, February and March.

  2. Main budget KPIs: overview of the total values for the main budget KPIs.

  3. Production vs Budget: bar chart displaying a monthly breakdown of the Main Budget KPIs. You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

    The delivered production is broken down into three categories:
    • SCADA: values provided by GPM SCADA.

    • Grid: values provided by the grid operator.

    • Invoiced: invoiced values.

  4. Accumulated production vs Budget: line chart displaying the accumulated values for three production categories:
    • Total

    • Expected

    • Budget

      You can hover over any point of the chart to see detailed values for it.

  5. Monthly accumulated values vs Budget: tables displaying detailed values from the Production vs Budget and Accumulated Production vs Budget charts. Each table includes columns detailing the deviation of the total production from the budget. The projected accumulated values for total production in upcoming months also appears (in brackets).

  6. Monthly accumulated values vs Previous year: tables comparing monthly and accumulated values against the total production/revenue of the previous year.

  7. Daily production: chart displaying a daily breakdown of the major budget KPIs for the selected month.

    The daily budget average is represented by a dotted line across the chart. The value is calculated by dividing the budget for the month by the number of days in the month.