
GPM Horizon calculates revenues through a combination of approaches that takes into consideration the various pricing systems that may apply to specific assets. The system is highly configurable, providing robust data and the necessary flexibility to take into consideration all the scenarios that apply to your assets, ensuring accurate and comprehensive revenue tracking.

This comprehensive approach relies on cross-referencing hourly production data with market prices, applying fixed prices per MWh from PPAs, or a combination of both approaches, to track financial performance and evaluate the profitability of investments.

Note: The system displays financial KPIs in the local currency of the country where the plant is located. For example, a plant located in Germany will display values in euros (€), while a plant in the USA will display them in US dollars ($)

Methods to calculate revenues

Hourly production data

Collected from your assets and integrated into the system, reflecting their actual energy production over a specific period.

The system takes into consideration the granularity of hourly data to provide a detailed representation of the energy output for each asset.

Market prices

Market prices represent the prevailing prices at which electricity is traded.

The system multiplies the hourly production data by the corresponding market prices for each given hour, to determine the revenue generated by the asset based on the market dynamics.

Power purchase agreements (PPA)

PPAs establish a contractual arrangement between the asset owner and the off-taker, defining the price at which the generated electricity is sold.

When assets operate under PPA schemes, the system incorporates fixed prices per MWh. The fixed prices are applied to the hourly production data, aligning the revenue calculations with the terms of the PPA.

Mixed approach

Some assets may combine market-based revenue with PPAs. The system accommodates this scenario by considering a mix of market prices and fixed prices per MWh.

The system applies market prices for the hours when the asset sells electricity in the market. It also applies fixed prices for the hours covered by PPAs. This approach ensures accurate revenue calculations that reflect the unique revenue generation mechanisms of the assets.