About GPM Horizon

GPM Horizon is a web-based real-time monitoring and management platform that gives you tools to manage every level of your plant portfolio: plant supervision and operation, maintenance management, financial and asset management, automated reporting, forecasting, and more.

The main features of GPM Horizon are:

  • Real-time control-room monitoring at every level of your portfolio.

  • In-depth analysis of performance over time.

  • Production forecasts based on physical models and machine-learning.

  • Fully customizable data and advanced data analytics.

  • Weather-optimized planning of operations and maintenance (O&M).

  • Technical asset management.

  • Customizable reports.

  • Business intelligence to follow up on production and revenues.

  • Real-time and customizable notifications.

  • Scalability at every level of your porftolio.

GPM Horizon is a web-based application. Your GPM representative will give you the URL of your GPM Horizon application (For example: https://demo.horizon.greenpowermonitor.com ) and your access credentials.

GPM Horizon has a modular framework, allowing you to configure it to meet the specific needs of your organization and your individual users. The platform has different modules designed to perform specific tasks.

For more information, see our GPM Horizon product page or contact help@greenpowermonitor.com.

Available modules

The modules available to you depend on the service contracted by your organization.

Note: For more information about the available services, see the GPM website or contact your GPM representative.