Personal Configuration

The Personal Configuration menu allows you to set the application language, your contact email, access information, and other data to customize your user experience. Additionally, you can see the application version and download the latest user documentation.
Note: When you first access the Personal Setup section after a new version update, a pop-up appears that prompts you to view the release notes for the version. If you decide to view them later, you can access them through the Documentation Archive.
Click the Maintenance crew icon icon on the Upper Bar to access the Personal Configuration.
Figure 1. Personal Configuration menu
Layer 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  1. User: displays your username. This field cannot be changed.
  2. Operator: click to link your Active Directory user to an operator profile. Operator users have a set of characteristics, such as user status and phone number, that are used to track alarm and ticketing operations.

    Click the icon to change the operator

  3. Email: displays the e-mail account linked to the application.
  4. Language: click the drop-down menu to select the language for the user interface.
  5. Documentation Archive: click to access the latest documentation. In the Documentation Archive window, double-click a document to open it in the PDF viewer (for example, the release notes for the latest update of GPM PlusGPM SCADA).

    When you first access the Personal Setup after a new version release, a pop-up appears to give you the option to view the latest release notes. If you choose to view them later, they are available in the Documentation Archive.

  6. Change Access Password: select this option if you want to change your password. In the following dialog you are prompted to enter your current password, your new password, and confirm the new password.
    Note: For security reasons, your system administrator may enforce a password expiration policy. The application notifies you when the expiration date is near.
  7. Version: displays the current version number of the application.
  8. Log Out: click to close the Remote Desktop Client. This action leaves your user session open and you will already be logged in next time you open the Remote Desktop Client.
  9. Accept: click to save your changes.
  10. Cancel: click to close the window without saving your changes.