Editing Systems

System Settings consist of four sections:

From left to right, the four sections are:
  • Devices

  • Information

  • Parameters

  • Users


In this section we select and edit the devices and variables linked to this System. Usually, the devices to include in a system are specific meters (production values) and weather stations (irradiance values).

Use the selector on the left-hand side to add specific devices and datasources to this System. All devices and variables currently included appear in the main grid to the right-hand side. Check the boxes to the right of any device or variable to select and remove it from the system. You can include all the datasources that you want to show at the System Level. Only the datasources included in the System are available for the configuration or parameters.


The information section lets you define basic Information about the system.

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It consists of two sections: General Description (on the left) and Technical Description (on the right).

  1. System Name: Use the provided link to the free Gravatar service to link an email account with a profile picture.

  2. Creation Date: This is the start date of the facility

  3. Image Gallery: This shows all the available images in the Facility Gallery. Use one of them as the default System Image for the Dashboards. Use the Star Button to mark an Image as Favorite.

  4. System Type: This is the facility type. This tag is available as filter criteria in the portfolio dashboard.

  5. Peak Power (kWp): This is the installed power of the system. It is used as the reference value in various power comparisons and in PR calculations.

  6. Nominal Power (kWn): This is the designed power of the system. (for reference only)

  7. Orientation of the panels: (for reference only) Specifies the orientation of the panels in solar plants.

  8. Tilt of the panels: (for reference only) Specifies the inclination in degrees of the panels in solar plants.

  9. Inverters: (for reference only) Specifies the number, brand and Model of the Inverters.

  10. Panels: (for reference only) Specifies the number, brand and Model of the Solar Panels.

  11. Trackers: (for reference only) Specifies the number, brand and Model of the Trackers.

  12. Other Data: (for reference only) use this field to add any useful note (communications, contractual details, etc.)


This section lets you define the System Parameters. Only the datasources included in the system are available to generate Parameters.


This section lets you grant or revoke user access to the System. The table on the left shows all the Available Users. The table on the right shows Assigned Users, the users assigned to this system.

Select the users in any table and use the arrows between the tables to move them from Available to Assigned and conversely.

Note: You can also manage access to Systems for specific Users from their User Settings.