Alarms Log

To see your past and current alarms:

  1. Open Alarm Management > Alarms Log.

  2. The Alarms Log opens.

From this screen, you can see a permanent record of all the alarms in your plant. A set of filters to the right of the screen defines what alarms you see on the table to the right.


The following filters are available:

  • Activation period: When the alarm was activated (default is Today)

  • Deactivation period: When the alarm was deactivated (default is Undefined)

  • Alarm: Name of the alarm (default is all).

  • Status: Current status of the alarm. The options are "Active", "Inactive" or "All" (default is only active alarms).

  • Notes: If the alarm contains comments. The options are "With Notes", "Without Notes", "All" (default is All).

  • Severity: The configured severity of the alarm. The options are "High", "High and Medium", "Medium", "Medium and Low", "Low", "All".

  • Grouping Criteria: The table shows alarms ungrouped by default. You can group the results in the table by the following criteria: Alarm Name, Severity, Status, Date of Activation.

In addition, each alarm has a Details button () . Click on this button to open the Alarm details.


Click the Details button () of an alarm to open the Alarm details screen. This is an in-depth view of each system alarm.

The Alarm details screen shows the following information:
  • Plant: Shows the plant where the alarm is coming from.

  • Alarm Name: Shows the name of the alarm.

  • Alarm Type: Shows the type of alarm.

  • Device: Shows the affected device. Click this to see a Quick Query of all the day's values from the device.

  • Severity: Shows the severity of the alarm.

  • Activation Time: Shows the time accumulated since the activation.

  • Date of Activation: Shows the exact date of activation of the alarm.

  • Date of Deactivation: Shows the exact date of the deactivation.

  • Total Time of Incident: Shows the time accumulated between activation and deactivation.

  • Activation Values: This chart tabulates the values of the series linked to the alarm. The values that match the activation triggers are shown in red.

  • Comments: The comments field allow you to write notes to manage maintenance or leave permanent remarks regarding the alarm. You can use comments to assign maintenance tasks, report interventions, record comments about activation or deactivation, or rule out false positives. All comments record the date they were posted and their author. You can filter alarms in the the Alarms Log by whether they have comments or not.