Request query parameters

dataSourceIdsstringNoDatasource database IDs that will be requested. It can be up to 10 different datasource IDs, separated by commas.
startDatestringNoStarting date and time from the request. It may be any valid date format. If the format is not correct, an error message will be returned as response.
endDatestringNoEnding date of the query. It may be any valid date format.
groupingstringYesIt determines the type of the granularity.
  • raw

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

  • month

  • year

granularityintegerYesPeriod of the selected grouping value.
Note: If the granularity is not within the specified limits, the call will fail.
  • 1 - 60 for minutes

  • 1 - 23 for hours

  • 1-31 for days (depending on the month)

  • 1-12 for months

    Note: "Year" grouping method has no limits.
    Note: "Raw" doesn't use this value, so any value set in this field will be ignored.
aggregationTypeintegerNoMathematical operation to apply for the selected granularity.
Note: Leave aggregationType empty to use data source's protocol aggregation method.
  • Sum without zeros = 0

  • Average = 1

  • Multiplication = 2

  • Average without zeros = 3

  • Difference= 4

  • Difference without zeros = 5

  • Maximum = 6

  • Minimum = 7

  • Minimum without zeros = 8

  • Count = 9

  • Count without zeros = 10

  • Sum with zeros = 11

  • Last = 12

  • Last without zeros = 13

  • First = 14

  • First without zeros = 15

  • Divide = 16

  • Multiplication without zero = 17

  • Median = 18

  • Median without zeros = 19

  • Weighted Average = 20

  • Availability = 21

  • PR = 22

  • Mode = 23

  • SoilingLoss = 26

  • Totalizer = 27

  • TotalizerWithoutZeros = 28


This endpoint has the following limitations:
  • If the grouping is raw, mins or hours, the maximum time range should be 1 month.
  • If the grouping is raw, mins or hours, the maximum time range should be 1 year.
  • If the grouping is year, limits.