Get Datasource ID

You can retrieve the datasources associated with that element by making an API request to /api/Plant/{plantId}/Element/{elementId}/Datasource.

Note: There may be an option to export an Excel file that contains the datasource IDs of a plant, although it may have some limitations.
  1. Go to the Plant section and find the /api/Plant/{plantId}/Element/{elementId}/Datasource endpoint.
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  2. In the Parameters section, enter the plant ID, element ID and your access token, and then click Try It Out.
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    Note: The access token expires 24 hours after either its creation or its last use. For more information, see the Access token.
  3. If the server accepts the token, it returns a "200 HTTP" response and the datasource ID.
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You obtain the ID of the datasource associated with an element in a plant.