Get alert details by alert ID

To retrieve all details related to a specific alert by its ID, you can use the api/Alert/GetAlertDetails endpoint.

  1. Go to the Alert section and find the GET /api/Alert/GetAlertDetails endpoint.

    The {URL} and {BASEURL} keys can be found on Plugin 145, allocated on Configuration.xml. For further details visit this web site.

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  2. In the Parameters section, do the following:
    1. Fill in the query parameters with the corresponding values.
    2. Enter your bearer token.
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  3. Click Try It Out.
  4. If the server accepts the token, it returns a "200 HTTP" response along with the corresponding response parameters.
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You obtain details related to a specific alert.
Note: If you receive a HTTP Status Code related to an error, first check if all the data were added in the corresponding format.Otherwise, contact the Dev or Product team.