Request query parameters

plantIdentifierstringPlant ID, currently limited to one for performance purposes.Yes
Note: Currently limited to one plant because of performance purposes.
startTimetimestampStarting date and time of the request. It can be formatted as an ISO8061 date or any other allowed date format. If the format is not correct, an error message will be returned as a response.YesYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
endTimetimestampEnding date of the query. Like the startDate, it may be any valid date format.
Note: Currently limited to a 3 months span.
statusstringStatus of the alert.YesThe status has a numeric representation:
  • 0 = All statuses
  • 1= Active

  • 2 = Assigned

  • 3 = Inactive

  • 4 = On hold

Note: If you are using Swagger, you must pass the different values separated by commas.