Welcome to GPM PPC

In this space you can find all the necessary information related to GPM Power Plant Controller to make the most of your user experience.

How to use this space

Navigation and structure

Use the primary navigation menu on the left to access the following sections:

  • Welcome: Your current location. This section offers an introduction to the Help Center and how to use its features. Within this page, you'll also find the following sub-page:

    • Tell us what you think!: This page contains a link to our survey on the Help Center and provides our email contact for sending feedback or seeking support related to the Help Center.
  • About: A brief introduction to GPM Power Plant Controller.

  • User Guide: Comprehensive manual for using GPM Power Plant Controller. It has the following content:

    • Articles: informative page on a topic.
    • Tasks: step-by-step guides on how to perform specific actions.
    • Processes: explanations of broader procedures, which involve multiple tasks. Just like GPM Power Plant Controller, the user guide is modular to mirror the user interface. Depending on your product access, you may not see all available modules. To unlock additional modules, contact your sales representative.

Additionally, a secondary menu on the right-hand side is shown if the page you are on contains sections. This menu allows you to quickly view the sections and directly access each of them, without the need for scrolling.


On every page, you can find the Print button. Click it to print or save a PDF copy of the current page.


Use the Search bar at the top right of the screen to look for a certain topic or feature. You can also use filters to narrow down the search results based on GPM products.