Performance Ratio

The performance ratio (PR) expresses the ratio between the actual and the expected energy production of a device or plant. This allows you to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the conversion of solar energy under real operation conditions, compared to the theoretical potential of plants or devices.

The system can calculate the PR at every level of the portfolio, down to individual devices. It is also possible to calculate the combined PR of groups of plants or devices.

The PR is expressed as a percentage, and is calculated using the following formula:

PR ( % ) = AC Energy ( kWh ) × 100 ( Nominal   DC   Power × Insolation )

Where the denominator calculates the theoretical maximum AC Energy output of the system, operating at 100% efficiency under the given insolation conditions.

PR formula elements

Note: For detailed information, click on an element to navigate to its corresponding section.
AC EnergyActual output of AC energy over a given period.
InsolationAmount of solar energy received by the plant or the inverter [kWh/m2].
Nominal DC PowerTheoretical maximum power output at 100% efficiency. For inverters, this parameter is defined by the manufacturer of the device.

Aggregation methods

At each level of the portfolio, GPM Horizon aggregates and ponders the data used for the calculation, to provide relevant metrics at each level while preserving accuracy and reliability.

LevelAggregated variables
  • Device-level data is used directly to apply the formula.
  • Insolation value of each individual device is weighed by nominal DC power.

  • Sum of device-level data is used as the variable for the equation.

  • Insolation value of each individual device is weighed by nominal DC power.

  • Sum of device-level data is used as the variable for the equation.