
The Timeline is a versatile tool that allows you to customize the analysis period. It offers flexibility and accuracy in exploring data and extracting valuable insights within the specified timeframe.

With the Timeline, you can focus on intervals spanning from as short as 30 minutes to as long as a month. Additionally, it enables you to select timeframes from days, months, and even years ago, providing a comprehensive range of options for your analysis.

Note: This feature is applicable to all the modules within the Analysis module.
Figure 1. Timeline needs new screenshot
Layer 1 1 2 4 3 5 6 7
  1. Sliders: custom the timeline by adjusting the orange bold bars.

  2. Month selection drop-down: choose the desired month and year.

  3. Arrows: navigate month by month.

  4. 1 month: view the data for the past 30 days.

  5. 1 week: view the data for the past 7 days.

  6. 1 day: view yesterday's data.

  7. Custom: specify the days you wish to visualize and set a start and end time.

Custom timeline

You can customize the timeline using a date selector. This allows you greater accuracy in defining the time period you want to analyze.

Figure 2. Custom timeline
Layer 1321
  1. Interval: click it to edit the timeline and set a specific start and end date.

  2. Calendar: specify the days you wish to visualize.

  3. Start and end date: use the arrows to set a start and end time.