
Granularity is the level of detail at which you analyze data, in relation to the scope of the time period you want to analyze.

The level of granularity depends on the types of data that you select for an analysis, the period of time that you want to cover, and the level of detail of the time intervals for the measurements. If you combine metrics that have different levels of granularity (for example, real-time actual power and five-minute energy output), the system aggregates the average values for each level).

There are two key factors to keep in mind when defining granularity settings to analyze data:
  • Performance: depending on the size, hardware, infrastructure and configuration of your project, processing large datasets with high levels of detail (graunarity) may affect speed and overall user experience.

  • Relevance: optimal granularity settings depend on the type of analysis you want to perform. For example, five-minute data may be relevant to assess the hourly performance ratio of a group of inverters in the same location, but it may not provide meaningful information regarding the yearly performance of an entire plant.