
Entities are specific objects that contain information in the GPM system. They are the main sources of information to analyze, assess and manage portfolios, plants and elements.


A parameter is a measurable factor that allows you to assess the performance or the status of your portfolio, a plant or an element within a plant. The values for parameters are usually numerical, but may sometimes be expressed as text (for example, "Offline" for the status of an element in a plant). These values for the data come from datasources.

Examples of parameters:

  • Power

  • Energy

  • Performance Ratio (PR)

  • Irradiation

  • Wind speed


A description is metadata of a plant or an element within a plant. Descriptions usually have fixed values that are not necessarily numerical (for example, "Wind" is a value for "Technology type").

The flexibility of the GPM system allows you to use them as categories that you can modify manually (for example, the "Assigned Operator" of an alarm).

Examples of descriptions:

  • Location (country or geolocation)

  • Technology (wind, solar, storage)

  • Element type (wind turbine, generator, inverter, weather station, etc.)


A datasource is a source of data that enters parameter values from one or more elements into the system. The most basic datasources provide raw data (for example, irradiation, wind speed, and power) monitored directly from elements in the plant. Advanced datasources apply calculations to raw values, producing more complex data (for example, production ratios), and may be customized by GPM to meet the needs of your organization.

The datasource may input raw data, or process it beforehand, depending on its configuration.

Examples of datasources:

  • Total active power

  • Energy

  • Production Ratio

  • Power Curve

  • Communication status

Alarm triggers

A trigger is the event that sets off the alarm when a site or an element meets a set of activation conditions. Each type of alarm has its own activation conditions. To deactivate the alarm, the element must meet the deactivation conditions defined for that trigger.

Note: For more information see the section on Alarm triggers and activation conditions.